Teaching Pups To Use a Ramp To Get in a Car Using Least Intrusive Training Methods
Beautiful Training - One-Year-Old Pups with Goats
Training To Prevent Resource Guarding - Katie S. - Success!!!
That's a Redirect?! That's Easy!
Feeding & Manners - Katie S. - Shaping, Blog #2 – Katie’s Videos
Feeding & Manners - Katie S. - Shaping, Blog #1 - Katie's Story
New Home, New Cow - Managing the Introduction - Novice Owner
Raising Eevie & Banks - Feeding and Manners - Katie W. - Shaping
Teach Your LGDs That the Presence of a Food Bowl Equals Safety: Shaping & Cues - Reminding Adult Dog
Teach Your LGDs That the Presence of a Food Bowl Equals Safety: Shaping & Cues - Young Dogs
Teach Your LGDs That the Presence of a Food Bowl Equals Safety: Shaping & Cues - Annabel the Cow
Yeti & Blush - Redirect Done Badly - No Shaping
Training - Knowing When to Walk Away - Eevie & Banks - Shaping
Cues in Action! Verbal Marker, Clicker, Environmental Cues, Targeting, Redirecting, Click for Calm
Introducing Eight-Month-Old Maremmas to Goats
How to Teach a Dog to Touch a Hand Target
Training Rosie – Then & Now – Shaping
Learning the Skill (Art) of Shaping
Vinny Meets the Goats - Safety Line & Shaping
Meadow Meets the Goats - **Cues**