Live LGD Seminar here at the ranch!
When: April 16, 2022
Where: Benson Ranch, 720 Pelton Lane, Gold Hill, OR
What time: 10:00-2:00, private consultations available from 2:30-5:00
Cost: Free! This is a community service event!
What to bring: Food for your lunch, your mask, regardless of your vaccination status. Masks will be worn at all times except by me when I am teaching.
What not to bring: dogs, no smoking except in your vehicle, disruptive children
How To Register for This Event: Please email Cindy at cindy@bensonranch.com
Morning topics:
LGDs – How It Works
8 Reasons LGDs Fail
Are They Right for Me?
Selection Process for Dogs
Housing & Husbandry
Half-hour lunch break
Afternoon topics:
Training – How Much Time Does It Take?
What An LGD Needs to Learn
Cues Valuable to LGDs
Training Demonstration with Meadow the Maremma
Bringing Your New Dog Home - Introductions
Troubleshooting & Mentors
Private Consultations May Be Scheduled in Half-Hour Sessions From 2:30-5:00 - $40 Per Session
This event will be recorded through video and photography to be used to create webinars and other educational materials. A signed waiver giving us permission to use your participation in this event will be required.
For more information about this event, or to register, please email me. I look forward to seeing you at the ranch, as do the 32 Maremmas currently living here!